Monday, July 6, 2009

Creating Wealth By the Law of Attraction

Undetected Thought Patterns

The Law of Attraction, is a concept that was recently brought into the public eye via the movie, The Secret. However, it’s certainly not a new concept by any means. It’s as old as the law of gravity. It’s one of those behavior systems that we play into either in a good way or a bad way. But nearly always in an undetected way.

Like attracts like, and therefore we are attracting people, situations, and circumstances that are similar to that which we focus upon. If you are by habit a pessimistic person in constant fear that the worst is about to happen, be assured, you will reap the results of that thought pattern. On the other hand, if you constantly believe the best is in store for you, you will draw beneficial opportunities into your life, and you will connect with high caliber, like-minded people.

What is the pattern of your thoughts and attitudes? As was mentioned, unless you make it a point to stop and assess your thinking, these patterns (for good or for bad) will continue totally undetected. And all the time, you will be at the mercy of these hidden repetitive thought patterns.

What You Focus on Expands

Perhaps you are a person who distrusts others. You struggle with the thought that “everyone is out to get me.” This may be a result of many negative relationships from your past. And since whatever you focus on expands, this negative energy which exudes from you will indeed draw those types of circumstances and those types of people. This negative energy will cause you to be critical, fearful, and angry. Victim mentality breeds victim circumstances. This is a constricting spiral that works to pull you down.

Think of a magnifying glass. When you move it over a page of writing, wherever it is “focused” the words grow larger. Likewise, as you focus on negatives, on problems, on adverse circumstances, you are feeding them and allowing them to grow bigger and bigger.

A negative lifestyle is an inverted, small, and often selfish lifestyle. It’s time to break loose and begin turning the law of attraction around to benefit you and all that you attempt to do in life. By harnessing the power of attraction, you can quite literally create the best world for yourself.

You Hold the Power

The secret is to become fully aware of the law of attraction and become pro-active by making it work for you rather than against you. Believe it or not, you are not stuck in the place where you are. You have the power and ability to change your life for the better.

What you need is a plan, you need purpose, and you need a proven working business model that will help to train you as you work through this change. You could do it alone, but the chances of your success increase by working closely with a business coach who knows the process well.

The Law of Attraction, when used correctly, holds incredible power to bring you into a position where you will literally draw the right people into your life. As you become passionate about transforming your life, that passion (a positive energy) will work like a strong magnet to draw like-minded people into your midst. As you consciously put out exactly what you want in return get ready to reap the harvest. By doing so, you will, in effect, chart your own destiny.

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