Sunday, July 5, 2009

Make Others Wealthy

Welcome to the Make Others Wealthy blog. This blog site is based on the concept most clearly stated in a quote from Zig Ziglar:

You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

It has to do with the universal law of sowing and reaping. One of my goals is to build a team of like-minded people who want to find financial freedom, and to be successful in all realms of their lives. If this sounds like something that might interest you, please read on.

Where Do You Fit?

The race is on. As we watch the downturn in the economy we all see that it is driving hordes of people to swarm all over the Internet looking for ways to supplement their income. Or perhaps even make a living. And I count myself in that number.

Some people are tired of the rat race. Some have lost their jobs and are desperate. Still others have heard the Internet success stories and they want to join the gold rush.

Where do you fit into this scenario?

This blog site is titled, ”Make Others Wealthy.” For decades your grandparents and my grandparents worked loyally, diligently, and consistently for one company – some for their entire working lives. They were, in effect, making others wealthy by their efforts. At retirement, they were put out to pasture with only a gold watch to show for their efforts. Sometimes even without a pension.

Today, we no longer see that kind of loyalty. A poll taken only a few years ago by USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup showed that 7 out of 10 Americans do not even trust corporate America. 1 In this new century, people no longer want their future to be in the hands of some vague corporate entity. This particular article went on to state:

Americans appear to be relying more on themselves — and the advice of family and friends — and less on employers, organizations and institutions.

Being fed up with Corporate America, plus the effects of the downturn in the economy, lend proof that most people are fed up with making others wealthy. They want a chance to strike out on their own and make their own wealth. Most are desperate enough to ditch their career and take the plunge to start all over.

This describes me to a T. I could consider myself fairly successful in the corporate world of Healthcare Technology as VP of Healthcare Solutions. In fact, I helped grow a small local business to a multi-million-dollar company. But I grew weary of “making others wealthy.” I jumped ship and ventured out on my own.

What are individuals doing who are leaving the corporate scene? Some of those in the “flight” choose to start their own businesses. Some look to franchises. There are also Network Marketing businesses (MLM) and opportunities available. However, the vast majority are looking to Online Business Opportunities, because the Internet is the perfect place to make things happen.

“Make Others Wealthy” – Alternative Method

Let’s look at another method in which emerging entrepreneurs can actually “make others wealthy.” And it has nothing to do with a J.O.B. It can happen when you hook up with a profit-making online business opportunity which will allow participants to bring others along.

What could be more fun, more inviting, or more satisfying than to create wealth for yourself AND guide and coach others to do the same? This means you are in control of your life and your future, and you lend a hand to help others gain control of their lives and their futures. Now that’s a real win-win situation.

Create a Lasting Business

Do all online business opportunities offer this? The answer is no, they do not. Many Internet money-making businesses are designed for those who simply want to (or need to) “grab a few bucks and run.” While many of these are totally legitimate, and many of them offer quality products and services, still and yet, it’s a short-sighted business affair.

If you are serious about building a lasting Internet business for yourself, you would do well to seek out an opportunity that

** offers existing, established products (no sense in starting from scratch if you don’t have to)

** offers training and marketing tools

** offers a doable, duplicatable system

** helps with closing sales

** allows you to “make others wealthy”

An Internet business opportunity that operates on such a business model is a real winner. You can’t go wrong when you help “make others wealthy” and do it in the best way!
My Idea of the Perfect Online Business

When I left my corporate position, I was fortunate to find what I feel to be the perfect online business. And it fulfills all the criteria listed above. Check it out here and see if you don’t agree: If you see the potential here that I see, I would be pleased to be your mentor and guide to help you be successful in your endeavors.

In our next blog entry we’ll talk about how the Law of Attraction is so important in building your Online Business.


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